Flutter Tricks
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Static vs. Dynamic: Understanding StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget in Flutter

When developing applications in Flutter, you will come across two types of widgets: StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget. These two widget types serve different purposes and understanding their differences is crucial to building efficient and performant Flutter apps.


A StatelessWidget is a widget that does not have any mutable state. It means that once created, its properties cannot be changed. This type of widget is ideal for representing static content that does not need to be updated or redrawn frequently. Examples of StatelessWidget are buttons, text labels, and images.

Here's an example of a StatelessWidget that displays a simple text label:

class MyLabel extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Text('Hello, Flutter!');

In this example, the MyLabel widget extends the StatelessWidget class and overrides the build method to return a Text widget with a static text value.


On the other hand, a StatefulWidget is a widget that can change its properties and be redrawn as needed. It is used when you need to maintain and update state within a widget. Examples of StatefulWidget are forms, animations, and interactive elements.

Let's take a look at an example of a StatefulWidget that displays a counter that increments when a button is pressed:

class MyCounter extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyCounterState createState() => _MyCounterState();

class _MyCounterState extends State<MyCounter> {
  int _count = 0;

  void _increment() {
    setState(() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      children: [
        Text('Count: $_count'),
          child: Text('Increment'),
          onPressed: _increment,

In this example, the MyCounter widget extends the StatefulWidget class and overrides the createState method to return an instance of _MyCounterState, which is the state class for this widget. The _MyCounterState class maintains the count property and updates it when the button is pressed using the setState method.

When to Use Each

So, which one should you use? The decision between StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget depends on the nature of the widget and its requirements.

Use StatelessWidget when:

  • The widget does not need to change or update its properties.
  • The widget only needs to display static content.
  • The widget does not require any interactivity or user input.

Use StatefulWidget when:

  • The widget needs to maintain and update its state.
  • The widget requires user interaction or input.
  • The widget needs to respond to changes in its properties.

By understanding the differences between StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget, you can choose the appropriate widget type for your specific use case and build more efficient and maintainable Flutter applications.

In summary, StatelessWidget is ideal for static content that doesn't change, while StatefulWidget is used to manage and update state within a widget. Remember to choose the appropriate widget type based on the requirements of your application. Happy coding!